
Blog writing is a big part of our internship coursework. Staff writers drop in from time to time to chime in on industry trends, grammar and all things Boston.

“New York City, One Story at a Time” Goes Worldwide

In 2010, Brandon Stanton decided to create a map of New York neighborhoods by photographing 10,000 people and plotting their locations. This project became Humans of New York (HONY). Stanton began to collect quotes and stories from the people he photographed and included them with the pictures. It took HONY eight months to get its first 1,000 likes on Facebook, but by 2012 it was getting about [...]

By Publishing Solutions Group|2018-11-01T11:02:31-04:00December 10th, 2015|

TV’s Time Capsules: The Growing Popularity of Period Pieces

For the past few years, my Sunday nights have been dedicated to catching up with my favorite characters on television. Beginning in early January, there is a pretty good chance that I will be spending my Sunday nights watching the final season of Downton Abbey. Earlier this year, I had to say good–bye to Don Draper and the rest of the complicated characters on Mad [...]

By Tess Renault|2018-05-21T16:05:23-04:00December 7th, 2015|

A Glimpse into the Future Library

With the vast strides we have made in technology, it’s hard to imagine what reading a book will look like in the year 2114. It’s also seemingly impossible to predict what the content of these novels will be. I’m sure Jane Austen never saw Pride and Prejudice and Zombies coming. However, thanks to Scottish artist Katie Paterson, one book slated for publishing in 2114 is already [...]

By Lori Becker|2018-11-01T11:06:55-04:00December 3rd, 2015|

Lost Masterpieces Hidden Beneath Masterpieces

It’s easy for a work of art to be lost to the ages and, unfortunately, all too common. But what about art that’s been hidden behind other art? Though not as common as a piece simply being destroyed, there is a surprising number of paintings underneath other paintings. Discovering these hidden works has been almost impossible until recently, when X-ray technology has given [...]

By Kyle Amato|2018-11-01T11:10:28-04:00December 1st, 2015|

High School Musicals: It’s Not All Oklahoma! Anymore

When asked to picture a high school play, most people probably see a shaky spotlight focused on a student standing in front of a backdrop painted on an old bedsheet, reciting lines dutifully—if somewhat unenthusiastically—and waving around a rubber prop for emphasis. These days, you might see what I saw as a stage manager in high school. Productions have been getting bigger and [...]

By Publishing Solutions Group|2018-11-01T11:13:54-04:00November 24th, 2015|

Dr. Seuss’ Long Lost Book Finally Gets Published

When I was younger, story time was arguably my favorite part of the day. My mom and I would sit on our living room couch as she read to me from the books I had carefully picked out at the library. On many occasions, a Dr. Seuss book would be in the mix, my favorites being The Foot Book and the more popular One Fish Two [...]

By Tess Renault|2018-11-01T11:15:29-04:00November 19th, 2015|

Misquotations on the Internet Continue to Spread False Info

The recently departed and eminently quotable Yogi Berra once said, “I really didn’t say everything I said.” Turns out he’s not the only one. False or misattributed quotations happen all too frequently—especially on the internet. It’s very easy for these falsities to happen online. If an image, like a meme or an infographic, looks authentic enough, an incorrect quote from Morgan Freeman can be [...]

By Publishing Solutions Group|2018-11-01T11:29:35-04:00November 17th, 2015|

Mailbox Beats Inbox: You’ve Got Mail!

Have you heard about monthly subscription boxes? It seems like the topic is popping up everywhere. I have several friends and family members signing up to receive a wide range of materials right at their front door each month. And who doesn’t appreciate a good piece of mail, especially when it’s a box full of goodies? These monthly subscription boxes come in all [...]

By Kate Carroll|2018-11-02T10:10:18-04:00November 12th, 2015|

Typewriters: Tom Hanks Tested, Tom Hanks Approved

Raise your hand if you’ve used a typewriter in the past five years. Odds are you haven’t, unless you’re like Tom Hanks, in which case, you’re a passionate collector of the old writing machines. In fact, Tom Hanks is so devoted to typewriters that he created an app with developer Hitcents to capture that old typewriter feel in the digital age. Hanx Writer, [...]

By Kyle Amato|2018-11-02T10:13:07-04:00November 5th, 2015|

NASA’s New Horizons Mission Sparks Interest in Pluto and Beyond

On July 14, 2015, after nine years and more than 30 billion miles, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft flew within 7,800 miles of Pluto. As New Horizons passed by the icy world on its one–way journey into the cosmos, it recorded and beamed volumes of priceless data and images that NASA will be busy analyzing for years to come. The flyby was the biggest event in twenty–first–century space exploration and [...]

By David Fox|2018-11-02T10:18:00-04:00November 3rd, 2015|
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