
Blog writing is a big part of our internship coursework. Staff writers drop in from time to time to chime in on industry trends, grammar and all things Boston.

Library For All: Bridging the Education Gap across the World

New efforts are always being forged to bridge the education gap between developed and developing countries—including the idea of a digital library. While helping to rebuild Haiti after a major earthquake in 2010, Rebecca McDonald noticed a palpable lack of access to books in schools all over the country. She decided there and then that something had to be done, and thus the [...]

By Shalen Lowell|2018-11-02T13:33:56-04:00May 28th, 2015|

Musicians Can Carry a Tune, and Now an Instrument

Traveling is a hassle no matter how you do it, but trust me, it could be so much worse. You could be traveling with an instrument. Throughout middle school, I played a cello nearly my size that I lugged back and forth to school, often by school bus. It was unwieldy and obtrusive and could never decide if it wanted to fit in [...]

By Dakota Damschroder|2018-11-02T13:38:20-04:00May 21st, 2015|

Why We Never Outgrow Children’s Books

Like many kids in my generation, I grew up on Harry Potter. My mom read the first few books to me at bedtime until I started reading them on my own. She continued reading the books too, and we talked about them together as I grew up. Until I came to college and heard criticism from writing professors for citing the series as [...]

By Maria Dipasquale|2018-11-02T13:40:44-04:00May 19th, 2015|

Nanodegrees Offer Career Skills to College Grads

It’s no secret that college graduates are entering a competitive workforce. Seniors spend their last semester polishing resumes, scouring the internet for job listings and preparing for interviews. However, many employers are beginning to notice a substantial gap between the knowledge with which graduates leave college and the skills that are required for entry-level positions. A new slew of programs offering nanodegrees, a [...]

By Maria Dipasquale|2018-11-02T13:43:03-04:00May 12th, 2015|

Discovering School Days around the World

For the fall of 2014, 49.8 million students were predicted to have attended public elementary and secondary schools in the United States.  Of these students, all were expected to be absent on the same day: Thanksgiving. In other countries, of course, this was to be a normal school day. But different holidays aren’t the only variances that can be seen between school days [...]

By Annemarie Tompsen|2018-11-02T13:44:44-04:00May 7th, 2015|

Intern Spotlight: Meet Maria!

I owe a lot of who I am to Maplewood, New Jersey, the small town where I grew up. A 30-minute drive from New York City, this diverse, artistic and socially conscious community fostered my passions for creative writing and social activism. I loved to read at the library a short distance from my house, listened when friends with different experiences of race [...]

By Publishing Solutions Group|2018-11-09T10:35:10-05:00May 6th, 2015|

Smithsonian’s Educational Program Celebrates Its 50th Year

Most of us know about the famous Smithsonian Institution, which includes a collection of 19 museums and galleries, most in the DC area, that house countless artifacts from American and world history. But did you know the Smithsonian also has a renowned education program? In 2015, the Smithsonian Associates celebrates 50 years of successful educational programming. The Smithsonian Associates offers museum-based education on a wide [...]

By Maria Dipasquale|2018-11-02T13:51:08-04:00May 5th, 2015|

OMG, What’s Happening to English?

If I said “LOL,” “OMG” or “BRB,” you’d know what I meant, right? How about “IYKWIM”? Throughout the history of the English language, people have worried about the language changing and adapting. Paranoia began as early as the Norman Conquest of 1066, when William the Conqueror introduced Norman French into the language used by those in powerful positions in England. Ever since then, English has [...]

By Shalen Lowell|2018-11-02T13:52:47-04:00April 30th, 2015|

Solving the Puzzle of the Antikythera Mechanism

Did you know a device considered by scholars to be the world’s oldest analog computer was created over 2,000 years ago? The device is officially named the Antikythera (ante-kith-er-uh) Mechanism. It was retrieved from an ancient shipwreck discovered in 1901 off the coast of the Greek island of Antikythera. The ship is believed to be a merchant vessel that met its end around 60 [...]

By Maria Dipasquale|2018-11-02T13:54:31-04:00April 28th, 2015|

“Let’s eat Grandpa”: Missed Grammar Mistakes

Explaining the difference between eating your grandpa and asking him to eat with you can be tricky to distinguish without proper comma knowledge. Like any skill, grammar should be practiced to get better at it. Many students struggle to keep up with the demand of grammar in school; rules like subject-verb agreement, preposition placement and semicolon usage cause students to seek out aid. [...]

By Publishing Solutions Group|2018-05-23T12:11:42-04:00April 23rd, 2015|
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