At PSG, we love what we do. We are creative, editorial, technical, production and multilingual experts—and we’re always on the lookout for people just like us. PSG’s executive staff averages more than 20+ years each in the publishing industry. Around this core staff, we assemble the most reliable resources in the industry to precisely fit each project’s needs. Our internal team is made up of the most talented, driven, smart and thoughtful individuals in the industry. We work hard, play hard and manage our client’s projects with care, dedication and a smile.

PSG’s Favorite Words
Language is always a topic of conversation at our office. We love words (no surprise there), but there are certain words that we love more than others. My favorite word is antidisestablishmentarianism because I love the way it sounds and I love that it’s a double negative. Antidisestablishmentarianism was [...]
PSG Book Club: “The Power” by Naomi Alderman
Title: The Power Author: Naomi Alderman Average PSG Rating: 4.3/5 Favorite Quote: “One of them says, ‘Why did they do it?’ . . . And the other answers, ‘Because they could.’ That is the only answer there ever is.” March was a long month (winter packed its bags then [...]
PSG Book Club: “Life After Life” by Kate Atkinson
FEBRUARY Title: Life After Life Author: Kate Atkinson Average PSG Rating: 3.875/5 Favorite Quote: “Sylvie’s knowledge, like Izzie’s, was random yet far-ranging, ‘The sign that one has acquired one’s learning from reading novels rather than an education.’” Although the PSG Book Club was a little behind this month (we [...]
PSG Book Club: “Where the Crawdads Sing” by Delia Owens
New year, same resolution. When we realized that each of us had plans to read more in 2019, the PSG Book Club was born. Eager readers all, we got started right away. Each member was given three slips of paper to write down their book suggestions, then we mixed [...]
PSG’s Favorite Authors
Here at PSG, we share a lot of literary favorites. If the office collectively had to pick one favorite author, it would be Stephen King. But I thought I’d dig a little deeper to find out who some of our other favorite authors are. The rules were, no one’s [...]
PSG Favorites: Candy
Here at PSG, we have a bit of a collective sweet tooth. Personally, I like chocolate—the darker the better—especially with add-ins like candied ginger or salted almonds. Here are some other favorite candies around the office: Angie loves Kit Kats, but Twix are a close second. Annette likes Cadbury [...]
PSG’s Recent Favorites: Book Edition
Has the colder weather left you in a reading slump? I’ve found that the best way to get out of a literary drought is to pick up a well-written book. One of the best books I’ve read recently was Paper Towns by John Green; I loved Green’s characters! Here [...]
Boston Drama: Upcoming Theater in the Boston Area
Hamilton has come to Boston! And some PSG staff members have already been lucky enough to see the hit musical since its opening. Nora’s verdict: “Hamilton was amazing! My brother cried the whole time, so it’s definitely an emotional musical!” Annette shares Nora’s (and her brother’s) enthusiasm: “The talent [...]
PSG Favorites: Podcasts
The PSG staff can all agree that a great podcast can make a morning commute to the office a time to look forward too. These are a few of our favorites: Armchair Expert, the interview-style podcast hosted by celebrity Dax Shepard, is popular around the office. Some of our [...]
PSG Summerfest 2018
For our summer outing this year, Lori surprised the PSG team with something new—an escape room! With our matching “PSG Summer Escape 2018” shirts on and our limo (!!) ready to hit the road, we headed into the heart of the city to Trapology Boston. The staff split into [...]
Namaste! PSG’s Weekly Yoga Sessions
When I first started my internship at PSG, I was thrilled to find out that I would be interning on the same days that the office does yoga. Since Lori, our president and CEO, also owns CrossFit Exclamation—her gym that’s conveniently attached to PSG’s offices—we’re lucky enough to have hour-long [...]
PSG Reads: Quick Reads We Love
We all have those books that we pick up and can’t put down until we finish them. They have a punchy story line, standout characters, and a writing style that allows us to read from cover to cover in a matter of days—our Quick Reads. I went around the [...]