PSG Culture

Intern Spotlight: Meet Liz

By Publishing Solutions Group|2018-11-09T10:38:16-05:00April 4th, 2014|

I developed my love of literature when I was a teenager in high school. I found my English classes exciting because they were the only classes, besides my history classes, that I found remotely interesting. While most of my classmates dreaded analyzing dialogue and writing papers on The Scarlet Letter or Death of A Salesman, I wished that I could spend my whole day in English [...]

Employee Spotlight: Rachel Hill

By Publishing Solutions Group|2018-10-16T09:48:59-04:00October 1st, 2013|

Knowing that writing poems for the rest of her life might not pay the bills, Rachel Hill comes to Publishing Solutions Group with the hopes of gaining real-world job experience. She is excited for the opportunity to have experience in the editorial world. Thankfully, her love of editing has not only helped her many friends at Emerson, but it will also be a [...]

Employee Spotlight: Hayley Gundlach

By Publishing Solutions Group|2018-10-16T09:48:34-04:00June 5th, 2013|

Hayley Gundlach began working at PSG as an intern in the summer of 2013. Upon completing her internship, she was hired as an editorial assistant. Hayley recently began her senior year at Emerson College. Hayley Gundlach’s dream jobs are to either become an editor at a large trade publisher or a consultant working on adapting books into films. Determined and studious, Hayley’s organizational [...]

PSG Summerfest 2012

By Publishing Solutions Group|2018-07-30T13:05:55-04:00August 23rd, 2012|

PSG CEO Lori Becker welcomed the staff to her own backyard for a day of fun in the sun. The whole team participated in hula-hoop dance lessons—some of us were naturals, some not, but we all received a fun workout! Afterwards, we cooled our feet in the pool then feasted on lunch catered by Bittersweet and a delicious ice cream sundae buffet. A [...]

Employee Spotlight: Kate Carroll

By Publishing Solutions Group|2018-10-16T09:48:50-04:00June 15th, 2012|

Kate Carroll began working at PSG as an intern in the summer of 2012. She was hired as an editorial assistant upon the completion of her internship and was eventually promoted to copyeditor. While working as an editorial assistant, Kate completed her senior year at Emerson College; she graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in Writing, Literature & Publishing and a [...]

Employee Spotlight: Elizabeth Dice

By Publishing Solutions Group|2018-10-16T10:33:04-04:00May 1st, 2012|

Elizabeth Dice comes to Publishing Solutions Group with over 20 years of experience in educational publishing. She has worked for, and with, numerous publishers including Heinle and Heinle, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Pearson Education, Prentice Hall and Scott Foresman. With her bilingual background and years of experience in both bilingual content development and project management, Elizabeth is a perfect fit for PSG’s translation and [...]

Language Production Services

By Publishing Solutions Group|2018-08-16T09:17:50-04:00August 12th, 2011|

Alternate Language DTPIn addition to our translation services, Publishing Solutions Group also offers alternate language production services.Expand your global presence with our high-quality production services.BCE6C3 Expanding your presence in both regional and worldwide markets requires the complicated task of creating content in a variety of languages localized for your target audience. In addition to our translation services, Publishing Solutions Group also offers alternate [...]

PSG Summerfest 2011

By Publishing Solutions Group|2018-07-30T13:06:47-04:00August 11th, 2011|

This year’s summerfest was a scavenger hunt, where three teams competed to be the first to reach a designated endpoint. PSG staff members were sent to Starbucks, for much-loved coffee; a local bakery, for delicious cupcakes; batting cages, where no one struck out; and the bowling alley, where the winning team made it with little time to spare. The day ended with a [...]

Customer Service and Personal Shopping Collide

By Lori Becker|2018-10-12T12:58:49-04:00May 2nd, 2011|

"I need a Personal Shopper! When can you start?" said the woman in the store that I was shopping in. It happens to me all the time. It doesn't matter where I am, if I'm wearing a winter jacket and boots, carrying multiple shopping bags, or even if I'm in the ladies room, I am always mistaken for the store's salesperson. Every time [...]

Knitting and Nintendo

By Lori Becker|2018-10-12T09:41:02-04:00November 1st, 2010|

Busy, busy, busy. That's how my friends and family describe me so it wasn't a big surprise when I announced that along with my business, dance classes, the gym, volunteer work and a handful of little projects, I was also going to learn to knit. And I did. I took my first class in November thinking that I would be able to make [...]

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