
Blog writing is a big part of our internship coursework. Staff writers drop in from time to time to chime in on industry trends, grammar and all things Boston.

Social Media’s Presence in College Recruitment and Application

Colleges are now better able to engage past, current and prospective students through new social video trends like Vine and Instagram. Vine is a mobile application that gives users the capacity to create and share six-second looping video clips. Released in January 2013 and operated by Twitter, maven of micro—social media sharing, Vine “inspires creativity” through “the brevity of videos,” according to Twitter’s official [...]

By Rachel Hill|2018-10-26T12:28:45-04:00October 8th, 2013|

Penguin’s Book Truck Travels to Spread the Word

In May 2013, Penguin Group (USA) unveiled their first mobile bookstore, the Penguin Book Truck. Combining the book carts of old with the ever-popular food trucks, Penguin hopes the truck will be “bringing the writer to the reader.” The truck planned appearances at several literary events across the country, such as Shakespeare in the Park in New York City and Tom Sawyer Day in Hartford, [...]

By Melissa Mui|2018-10-26T12:24:50-04:00October 3rd, 2013|

Employee Spotlight: Rachel Hill

Knowing that writing poems for the rest of her life might not pay the bills, Rachel Hill comes to Publishing Solutions Group with the hopes of gaining real-world job experience. She is excited for the opportunity to have experience in the editorial world. Thankfully, her love of editing has not only helped her many friends at Emerson, but it will also be a [...]

By Publishing Solutions Group|2018-10-16T09:48:59-04:00October 1st, 2013|

Major Issues With the Common Core State Standards

In trying to explain the ins and outs of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Grades K through 12, it’s just as important to explain what the standards are not as it is to explain what they actually are. Executive Director Jay Diskey of the American Association of Publishers (AAP) PreK–12 Learning Group did just that in a web presentation to educational [...]

By Ken Scherpelz|2018-10-26T12:22:36-04:00October 1st, 2013|

Field Trips: Rediscover Your City

Google wants you to find your inner child. The best way to do that? Go on a field trip, even in the city where you interact every day. In light of the thrifty economy, where many schools can no longer afford to take full classes on field trips and workers don’t have much of an expendable income, Google has stepped up with an [...]

By Emeli Warren|2018-10-26T12:20:29-04:00September 24th, 2013|

Searching for a Good Read

by Chelsea In March, Amazon announced it was expanding its business by acquiring Goodreads, a website that allows readers to discover new books and provide commentaries on books either already on shelves or soon to be publicly available. This expansion will surely draw more readers to Amazon; however, Goodreads originally helped not only readers, but a variety of booksellers as well. In a recent Publisher’s [...]

By Chelsea Cooper|2018-10-26T12:18:10-04:00September 17th, 2013|

Pay for an Education, or Get Paid for One?

Every year, 20 college educations are put on hold for two years. This group of young adults—many under the age of 20 years old—are among the brightest, most creative and most motivated people in the world. They are all recipients of the 20 Under 20 Thiel Fellowship. Peter Thiel, a co-founder and former CEO of PayPal and the first investor of Facebook, encourages young [...]

By Hayley Gundlach|2018-10-26T12:17:04-04:00September 10th, 2013|

Students Need to Read 70% Nonfiction, Says Common Core

As the new Common Core State Standards (“the Standards,” or just “CCSS”) begin to be implemented in the 45 states that decided take on the across-the-board learning criteria for American students, one policy in particular is rousing the ire and frustration of teachers, parents and students: The Standards hold that 50 percent of elementary, 55 percent of junior high, and 70 percent of high school [...]

By Grant Bradley|2018-10-26T12:13:45-04:00September 3rd, 2013|

Can You Spell D-E-F-I-N-I-T-I-O-N?

Gladiolus. Antediluvian. Chiaroscurist. Kamikaze. Guetapens. Knaidel. What do these words have in common? They are all winning words from the Scripps National Spelling Bee, dating back to the first bee in 1925 (gladiolus) through 2013 (knaidel). For 85 tournaments, the spelling bee never included a vocabulary component—though contestants have always been allowed to ask for the meaning of a word during the competition. This year, a vocabulary quiz [...]

By Jessie Miller|2018-10-26T12:07:25-04:00August 27th, 2013|

Private Funding Keeps Art Alive

There’s a point in the year that certain high school art-kids dread: school budget analysis. It is the time that many of their beloved programs are predictably brought to the chopping block. Art classes, film programs, writing workshops and music ensembles inevitably have their own individual budgets hacked away year by year, each annual meeting leaving them in a financial state more serious [...]

By Hayley Gundlach|2018-10-26T12:05:06-04:00August 22nd, 2013|
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