
Blog writing is a big part of our internship coursework. Staff writers drop in from time to time to chime in on industry trends, grammar and all things Boston.

Dinos Soar Back to Life: Exhibits that Go Beyond Fossils

The first time I watched Jurassic Park, there was no question in my mind that the dinosaurs were real and that one of the actresses had truly been covered in snot by a sick brontosaurus on set. I was only about five or six at the time, sitting beside my dad on the couch with wide eyes and a strange mix of fear [...]

By Samantha Perry|2018-11-02T13:36:39-04:00April 6th, 2017|

Optical Inclusion: Warhol Museum Gives More Than Visuals

Imagine if every time you visited a museum, it was difficult or impossible to see the artwork in all its splendor. Imagine what it’s like for those who are blind or visually impaired. How can they have the opportunity to experience art? The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh is giving all visitors a chance to experience art in an innovative and unique way. [...]

By Sarah Rush|2018-11-02T13:31:58-04:00April 4th, 2017|

Tales of Talent: The Secret Skills of the PSG Staff

Among the staff at PSG there are all sorts of talents. There is, of course, great skill in our many publishing services, but everyone’s skills here go beyond those. We have everyone from athletes to musicians and performers. I’m proud of my gymnastics history. I competed on the uneven bars and I loved those dismounts off the bar even if I never quite [...]

By Marianna Sorensen|2018-11-02T13:29:53-04:00March 30th, 2017|

A Redwood Grows in Brooklyn

Across from the library in the playground where I once played is the first tree I ever successfully climbed. The bark at the base of the tree is stripped and smooth from countless amounts of children who have attempted to clamber up into the branches. I was only able to make it up a few branches, but I still felt like I was [...]

By Samantha Perry|2018-11-02T13:28:05-04:00March 28th, 2017|

PSG Reads: What We’re Reading Now

As a child, I was the classic bookworm—there was rarely a time when I was seen without a novel held lovingly in my arms. I fit in well at PSG it seems: My coworkers are proud to call themselves bookworms, too. Let’s peek into the bookshelves of the PSG staff and see what everybody is reading! Historical fiction is trendy in the office [...]

By Sarah Rush|2018-11-02T13:22:54-04:00March 23rd, 2017|

Ants and Agriculture: Did the First Farmers Have Feelers?

When I see ants running around my yard, I’m usually not impressed. Those little guys seem so vulnerable and can get trampled on so easily. Then again, that was before I knew that several ant species began farming long before humans ever did. Small, black ants, called Philidris nagasau have their own form of farming and have been doing it for around 3 million [...]

By Marianna Sorensen|2018-11-02T13:18:37-04:00March 21st, 2017|

Our First Jobs: Movies, Snacks and Get-Well-Soon Cards

During the interview for my first job at a coffee shop, I was asked what my greatest achievement was. Being only 15 at the time, I was hard-pressed for an answer and honestly can’t even remember what I sputtered out. Luckily, my response was good enough and I was hired, spending the next several months learning different coffee combinations and how to perfect [...]

By Samantha Perry|2018-11-02T13:16:38-04:00March 16th, 2017|

World’s Smallest Penguin Wins Big

You’re driving to work in the morning, hustling to arrive on time, and suddenly the car in front of you slams the breaks. Annoyed, you poke your head out of the window to see what the problem is and—to your surprise—you spot the tiny, paddling feet of a mother duck and her chicks waddling across the road in a tight line before the [...]

By Sarah Rush|2018-11-02T13:14:41-04:00March 14th, 2017|

Portraits Come Alive: A New Portrayal of the Past

National Portrait Gallery /American Art Museum In the eighth grade, I researched Sam Houston for one of my classes. As a final part of the project, we spent a class period acting out the person we researched. I had never considered anyone I studied that deeply until I was assigned that project. The Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery has a program it [...]

By Marianna Sorensen|2018-11-02T13:13:53-04:00March 9th, 2017|

Literary Firsts: The Joys of Reading to My Children

One of the most exciting things about being a parent is witnessing your child’s firsts. There are the funny firsts (his disgusted face with that first taste of oatmeal), the exciting firsts (watching him take those first wobbly steps) and the momentous firsts that make you well up with tears of joy (when he first sleeps through the night). But some of my [...]

By Lori Becker|2018-11-02T13:07:14-04:00March 7th, 2017|
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