
Blog writing is a big part of our internship coursework. Staff writers drop in from time to time to chime in on industry trends, grammar and all things Boston.

PSG’s Favorite Words

Language is always a topic of conversation at our office. We love words (no surprise there), but there are certain words that we love more than others. My favorite word is antidisestablishmentarianism because I love the way it sounds and I love that it’s a double negative. Antidisestablishmentarianism was a political ideology that opposed the withdrawal of state support from the Church of [...]

By Lori Becker|2020-02-24T15:16:51-05:00May 9th, 2019|

BEA: A Middle Schooler’s First Encounter with the Publishing World

When I was in sixth grade, I got the chance to attend BEA, or BookExpo America, with my parents in New York City. The yearly convention offers members of the publishing industry a chance to “build relationships, learn tactics to bolster business and get the pulse of what’s trending in today’s shifting marketplace.” My mother was considering opening a bookstore at the time [...]

By Lindsay Howard|2020-02-24T15:40:45-05:00May 2nd, 2019|

PSG Book Club: “The Power” by Naomi Alderman

Title: The Power Author: Naomi Alderman Average PSG Rating: 4.3/5 Favorite Quote: “One of them says, ‘Why did they do it?’ . . . And the other answers, ‘Because they could.’ That is the only answer there ever is.” March was a long month (winter packed its bags then decided to stay a little longer), but that gave the PSG Book Club more [...]

By PSG Book Club|2020-02-24T15:39:57-05:00April 11th, 2019|

Worldly Words: Words That Don’t Exist in English

Much like the seas incarnadine, the English language is multitudinous! We have so many words for various feelings and experiences, yet we’re missing some important ones. Luckily, many other languages have evocative words that perfectly describe common situations. Here’s a few I enjoyed! Tartle (Scottish) The moment of panic that happens when you can’t remember someone’s name when you’re about to introduce them. [...]

By Jamaica Stuart|2020-02-24T15:43:03-05:00March 21st, 2019|

PSG Book Club: “Life After Life” by Kate Atkinson

FEBRUARY Title: Life After Life Author: Kate Atkinson Average PSG Rating: 3.875/5 Favorite Quote: “Sylvie’s knowledge, like Izzie’s, was random yet far-ranging, ‘The sign that one has acquired one’s learning from reading novels rather than an education.’” Although the PSG Book Club was a little behind this month (we blame February) we’re excited to reveal our thoughts on our second pick—Life After Life [...]

By Kate Carroll|2019-04-11T09:59:49-04:00March 7th, 2019|

Happy Chinese New Year!

After you’ve made your New Year’s resolutions on January 1, gather fortune and good luck to help you maintain your goals during Chinese New Year on February 5. Also called the Spring Festival or Lunar New Year, it is a 15-day celebration to mark the beginning of the lunar year, reunite with family and start fresh. The holiday traditionally ends with the Lantern [...]

By Nora Chan|2019-02-05T10:12:15-05:00February 5th, 2019|

Common Grounds: The Connection Between Coffee and Literature

What does your perfect afternoon look like? For me, it’s curling up with a hot cup of coffee and a good book. The two components combine into something special, where each contributes to my enjoyment of the other. Turns out, I’m in good company. Many writers and readers over the centuries have voiced their enjoyment of coffee, including the nineteenth-century French writer Honoré [...]

By Jamaica Stuart|2019-01-31T09:49:52-05:00January 31st, 2019|

Around the World in Public Transport

Public transportation can be a great way to get around a city, whether you’re a regular or a tourist. You’ve probably heard of Tokyo’s legendary rail system, London’s “Tube” and New York’s subway. Here are a few more cities around the world whose transit systems are more than just efficient, they’re a major part of their city’s story. Hong Kong As of 2017, [...]

By Jamaica Stuart|2019-01-23T16:53:11-05:00January 24th, 2019|

PSG Book Club: “Where the Crawdads Sing” by Delia Owens

New year, same resolution. When we realized that each of us had plans to read more in 2019, the PSG Book Club was born. Eager readers all, we got started right away. Each member was given three slips of paper to write down their book suggestions, then we mixed them all in a bowl for drawing. We drew our first title in December [...]

By PSG Book Club|2019-04-11T10:00:29-04:00January 17th, 2019|

PSG’s Favorite Authors

Here at PSG, we share a lot of literary favorites. If the office collectively had to pick one favorite author, it would be Stephen King. But I thought I’d dig a little deeper to find out who some of our other favorite authors are. The rules were, no one’s answer could be just Stephen King. My favorite author at the moment is Jodi [...]

By Lori Becker|2019-01-10T10:06:04-05:00January 10th, 2019|
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