Lori Becker
President & CEO
T: 617.274.9003
E: lbecker@publishingsolutionsgroup.com

PSG President & CEO Lori Becker is known for her impressive daily checklist, her “work hard, play hard” philosophy and her top-shelf organizational skills. With more than 20 years of publishing and printing industry work under her belt, Lori’s experience includes key roles in managing editorial development, production, marketing, and art and design.
In 2005, while running PSG, Lori graduated from Boston University’s Entrepreneurial Management Institute InnerCity Entrepreneur (ICE) program. Four years later, she also won a spot on the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) Inner City 100 list. Chosen from a pool of nearly 6,500 applicants, PSG was ranked as one of the fastest growing inner-city companies in the United States.
Lori is a serial entrepreneur and a very active volunteer. Outside of the office, she is on the board of the Rotary Club of Burlington; coaches kids, teens and adults in her CrossFit gym; is a Red Sox fan and enjoys all things foodie about Boston.