Lindsay Howard
Editorial Intern
T: 617.274.9001
E: lhoward@publishingsolutionsgroup.com

Lindsay joins the PSG staff as an Editorial Intern for the Summer 2018 semester. A rising senior pursuing a Writing, Literature & Publishing major and Marketing Communications minor at Emerson College, Lindsay has been passionate about her career path since she was in middle school. She discovered this passion during a trip to the BookExpo of America, where she interacted with professionals in the publishing industry and learned what a career in the field really meant.
Eventually, this appetite for publishing lead her here after learning PSG would be the perfect setting to learn about the entire publishing process. She was also encouraged by a friend and previous PSG intern, who shared stories of the friendly and helpful environment of the PSG office.
At Emerson, Lindsay is the Head Copy Chief of YourMag and a Substantive Editor for Undergraduate Students for Publishing. She has also worked as an intern for a literary agent at Rubin Pfeffer Content.
When Lindsay’s not in class or interning at the PSG office, she’s likely teaching herself the violin, playing field hockey, learning German (her family’s native tongue) or playing with dogs. She also loves reading Frankie Magazine and anything by Marie Lu!
In her future, Lindsay hopes to work as an editor for a major New York City publishing house. She hopes that gaining experiences at places like PSG will help her better understand her interests and strengths, and eventually achieve her goals. But for now, Lindsay is enthusiastic about working alongside the outgoing, organized and fun staff here at PSG, and we are all excited to have her!