Elizabeth Dice
Project Manager
T: 617.274.9017
E: edice@publishingsolutionsgroup.com
Elizabeth has over 20 years of experience as a publishing professional. She has worked for and with numerous publishers including Heinle and Heinle, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Pearson Education, Prentice Hall and Scott Foresman. The majority of her work in K–12 is in bilingual content development, translation and content management.
Prior to working with PSG, Elizabeth worked as a Senior Editor of Reading and Language Arts, an Editorial Manager, a Content Manager, a Spanish teacher and professor, a Spanish interpreter, and an ESL and ELL teacher. Elizabeth describes herself as both a “wordsmith” and a “renaissance person” because she is used to performing different roles as needed. Elizabeth holds a bachelor of arts in English from Smith College and a master of arts in English with minors in Spanish and Education from Michigan State University.
In addition to being fluent in two languages, Elizabeth is also fluent in knitting—ella es una experta del tejido de punto y en español!