Audrey Labonte
Editorial Intern
T: 617.274.9001

Audrey is one of PSG’s editorial interns for the fall of 2021. She is pursuing an accelerated Mater’s track in Publishing and Writing at Emerson College. Audrey’s dream job is to be a literary agent and she is excited to get her start in the editorial world with PSG.
At Emerson, Audrey is part of the copyediting and substantive editing teams for Undergraduate Students for Publishing. When she’s not working, she’s usually reading in the Boston Public Garden or spending time with her cat Binx. Some of her favorite books include I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson, The Fifty Year Sword by Mark Z. Danielewski and We Were Liars by E. Lockhart.
In the future Audrey hopes to work for a major publishing house in New York or London and to try out as many roles in the publishing industry as she can. For now, however, she is very excited to be a part of the PSG team and gain as much real-world experience as she can. We are so excited to have her as part of our staff!