PSG is a veteran educational publishing services company that is proud to have an extensive background working with K–12, supplemental and trade publishers. We will make sure that all of your classroom materials, whether they are print or digital, are in tune with current educational standards, methodologies and strategies. Our content development is driven not only by the needs of our clients but also by the current issues that affect our students, teachers and schools.
- Analysis, planning and research
- Scope and sequence
- Content development
- Proofreading
- Research and fact checking
- Indexing
- Manuscript prototypes
- Text and image permission acquisition
- Correlations and readabilities
- Bilingual and multilingual content
- Gap analysis
- Item development
- Item art creation
- Program alignment
- CCSS and state-specific standard alignment
- Passage development and research
- Multiple-choice, tech-enhanced and essay items
- Performance Tasks
- Interactive
- Spoken response
- E-books
- Interactive lesson plans
- Digital learning products
- Online resources
- Riverdeep Learning Village
- Authoring tools
- ExamView
- Test item banks
- Software development
- Virtual online courses
- Media development
- Whiteboard activities
- Mobile apps