
Blog writing is a big part of our internship coursework. Staff writers drop in from time to time to chime in on industry trends, grammar and all things Boston.

Encouraging Kids to Read: Letting Them P.I.C.K. Their Own Books

With so many books to choose from, a child may find picking a book to be an overwhelming and difficult task. Selecting books is a valuable and independent skill for kids to learn, instilling an importance of books in their lives. Teaching children to pick books for themselves can be a simple step-by-step process with easy rules and guidelines. Scholastic’s advice to P.I.C.K. creates an [...]

By Lori Becker|2018-10-26T13:03:17-04:00November 12th, 2013|

The Marketing of Ebooks

Publishers are finding innovative ways to market e-books to a wide audience. Print and ebook retailing, while often done by the same businesses and for the same market, have differences in the ways the products are marketed and sold. The class of readers likely to read an ebook is the same as those who read books, but the type of distribution of the texts varies [...]

By Nick Perricone|2018-10-26T12:56:12-04:00November 7th, 2013|

Are You Ready for Eye-D?

“Biometrics,” or the use of pattern recognition and algorithms to identify people based on physical characteristics often in a range of security programs, is all the rage in technology this year as people grow increasingly concerned about threats of hacking and identity theft. The newest trend is iris recognition, much more sophisticated than its fingerprint predecessor, as irises are even more complex and [...]

By Rachel Hill|2018-10-26T12:54:06-04:00November 5th, 2013|

Surveying the Way to Better Education

What would you do if you were able to see into your child’s classroom? Many school districts around the country are conducting surveys of teachers, students and their parents to gather more insight on day-to-day happenings behind school doors. The state of Illinois began conducting one such survey, the first statewide education survey, in early 2013. The survey was taken by over one million [...]

By Melissa Mui|2018-10-26T12:51:43-04:00October 31st, 2013|

Books to Film: Upcoming Movie Adaptations

Many upcoming films are adaptations of popular books, a large portion of which are based on young adult literature. From 2013 to 2014, at least a dozen movies coming out are adaptations of novels, both new and old. Based on popular books, the films will be sure to have fans of the original novels filling up seats. One highly anticipated film adaptation is [...]

By Lori Becker|2018-10-26T12:47:38-04:00October 29th, 2013|

Public Schools in the 21st Century

Teachers, administrators and students are using social media in all new ways. How can public schools use social media? Schools have often relied on traditional ways of disseminating information such as town hall meetings or newsletters. But more and more opportunities are arising for public schools to get their message out using social media. There are many different ways educators and administrators are [...]

By Nick Perricone|2018-10-26T12:44:37-04:00October 24th, 2013|

Are Publishing Seasons Outdated?

An article in Publishers Weekly posed the question of whether publishing seasons are dead, reasoning that print books now have to compete with ebooks, which are essentially seasonless. Originally determined by the physical shipping schedule of books, publishing seasons may not be relevant anymore. However, this change in publishing seasons concerns mostly trade cycles—educational and academic publishers, regardless of the format they are publishing, still [...]

By Lori Becker|2018-10-26T12:38:12-04:00October 22nd, 2013|

Reimagining Shakespeare

Revivals and film adaptations of the immortal Bard’s work have always been staples of the entertainment industry. With a Romeo & Juliet movie, directed by Carlo Carlei, released in October 2013, it’s time again to look back at other famous Shakespeare works that made the transition from stage to film. Modern or modernized film adaptations make Shakespeare more accessible, not only logistically in terms of [...]

By Rachel Hill|2018-10-26T12:35:21-04:00October 17th, 2013|

Should More Students Consider Community College?

The cost of higher education is always on the rise. The main concern for many students looking into college is the rate of tuition. When considering their academic future, students’ considerations no longer focus mainly on educational offerings, but also on the need for scholarships and student loans. According to the American Association of Community Colleges, the average cost of public community colleges [...]

By Melissa Mui|2018-10-26T12:33:25-04:00October 15th, 2013|

Academics Still Prefer Print

The use of electronic formats of things we read is on the rise. The population of Americans aged 16 and older who read e-books has grown from 16 percent to 23 percent over the past year. More and more people are now buying e-book readers and tablets. Universities, following this trend of electronic information, are developing ways of replacing the textbook with more interactive ways of learning, such as [...]

By Nick Perricone|2018-10-26T12:30:34-04:00October 10th, 2013|
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