PSG Culture

PSG Summerfest 2008

By Publishing Solutions Group|2018-07-30T13:07:33-04:00August 14th, 2008|

PSG staffers were brought back to a time of Smurfs, slap bracelets and synthesizers as we hopped aboard an ‘80s party bus. We answered ‘80s trivia and listened to Wham! while we headed to Golf Country to play mini golf, hit a bucket of balls at the driving range and practice hitting in the batting cages. We finished the day at Richardson’s Ice [...]

PSG Summerfest 2007

By Publishing Solutions Group|2018-07-30T13:08:34-04:00August 21st, 2007|

The staff of PSG split into three groups and competed in a fun, team-building scavenger hunt. From Boston Common to the North End, we explored our city while searching for answers to questions about Paul Revere, Colonial-era cuisine and the Boston Massacre. The competition was fierce to the bitter end with the tie-breaking question about the height of the wave of molasses in [...]

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