There’s something oddly comforting about seeing everyday objects scaled down to miniature size. It reminds me of the days of dollhouses and army men, when I controlled my own tiny worlds. I can only imagine the thrill of seeing Gulliver’s Gate: a tiny world of epic proportions.
Since May 9, 2017, visitors to Times Square could pay to enter the 50-thousand-square-foot exhibition of miniatures known as Gulliver’s Gate. Inside, they could see models of sites from all over the world—87 times smaller than the originals!
Gulliver’s Gate was named after Jonathan Swift’s fantastical novel Gulliver’s Travels, in which an adventurer encounters new places (including Lilliput, an island country where he is considered a giant) that change his view of the world. The project aims to create that change in its visitors.
The mini locations feature such landmarks as Grand Central Station and the Abbey Road crosswalk—complete with tiny Beatles! Visitors receive keys that they can turn within the exhibit to make things move. Turn one at Loch Ness, and a certain infamous monster just might pop out!
If you visit this magical world, and you find it too hard to leave, don’t worry: visitors can have their bodies scanned into mini-mes, and leave them as Gulliver’s Gate residents!