Like many of my colleagues, I work from my home office, which is something I really enjoy. It gives me the opportunity to manage my own time and avoid the countless interruptions that can occur in an office setting. It also means that when the season changes, “someone” is responsible for “spring cleaning” my office. While I was cleaning up recently, I came across a project history list from a few years back. I compared it to our new 2012 list and I was hit not only by the number of translation projects we’ve completed, but also by the types of translation projects we’ve done. We’ve grown so much in just a few short years.
This is a brief sampling of some of the typical translation projects we’ve recently completed:
– Pearson Education’s Interactive Science Multilingual Glossaries for grades 6—8: multilingual translation of Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Haitian Creole, Hmong, Korean, Russian and Vietnamese
– Scholastic’s Read 180 Family Portal for middle school: Spanish translation and audio production of Power Words and Video Summaries
– Voyager Learning’s Ticket to Read online technology components for grades K—6: Spanish translation, script preparation, audio production and online QA.
– William H. Sadlier’s Creemos/We Believe for grades K—6: Spanish translation of religion program, including Student Books and Catechist Guides
– (unpublished) math program for middle grades: Spanish translation and production for Puerto Rico, including Student Editions, Teacher Editions and Professional Development components
In addition to our larger, more traditional projects, we’ve also had the opportunity to work on some pretty unique translation projects as well. Here are a few of my personal favorites:
– “How to Play the Ukulele” into Spanish for the US, including adaptations of lyrics for this market
– English teacher’s guides into Chinese for use with a cross-cultural teaching experience between the US and China
– online animated science tools into French for Canada
– Latin 1 and Latin 2; yes—LATIN
So how did this development company also become a top-notch translation company? We did it because you asked us to. PSG became your translation solution.